Chaffe McCall provides healthcare regulatory and compliance services, transactional and civil and criminal litigation services, and advice through an integrated, multi-disciplinary team with extensive experience in most aspects of the healthcare spectrum. Our practice includes experienced lawyers in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Houston, including two registered nurses with board certification in legal nurse consulting.
Chaffe McCall advises and counsels clients in the following areas:
Health Care Transactions
- Physician Groups
- Hospital
- Long Term Care and Senior Housing
- Federal Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)
- Full Range of Contractual Relationships
- Mergers and Acquisitions, Divestitures & Joint Ventures
- Entity Formation
- Health Care Financing and Tax
- Antitrust
- Real Estate
- ACO Post-Acute Services
Fraud and Abuse
- Stark Law
- Anti-Kickback Statute
- False Claims Act and Qui Tam
- Unfair Trade Practices
Compliance, Enforcement, and Risk Management Counseling – assist clients with prevention, detection, investigation, management, and resolution of potential violations and help clients navigate the complex set of laws, regulations, and standards to which health care providers and suppliers are subject, including:
- Billing, Coding and Reimbursement
- Fraud and Abuse
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
- Unfair Trade Practice
- Clinical Research
- Licensure, Certification, and Accreditation
- Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)
Litigation and Governmental Investigations
- Medical Malpractice
- Health Care Fraud Investigations
- Business Disputes
- Office of Inspector General (OIG) and Administrative Appeals
- Manufacturer Liability
- False Claims Act and Qui Tam Defense
- Labor & Employment
Dispute Resolution
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Peer Review Hearings
Health Information
- HIPAA Privacy and Data Protection
- Medical Records
- Telemedicine
Reimbursement Audits, License, and Certification
- Medicare and Medicaid
- Managed Care
- RAC and ZPIC Audits
- State and Federal Agency Interaction
- Joint Commission
Medical Staff
- Bylaws
- Credentialing and Peer Review
- Fair Hearing Process
- HCQIA and State Law Immunity
- National Practitioner Data Bank Issues